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THE prospects of the Crew were not very encouraging when the meeting of the H. U. B. C. adjourned a week ago last evening. The generous offer of ten thousand dollars from the graduates to defray the expense of sending a crew to England had been declined; several members of the old Eight had finally decided not to row again, and the challenge from Yale had been laid on the table until an organization of a crew could be effected. In a word, matters looked very "blue." Since then a change has taken place in the state of affairs. Mr. Bancroft and Mr. Crocker have consented to take their old seats in the boat, and Mr. Legate may possibly pull as number three. Last Monday afternoon a large and enthusiastic crowd of graduates and undergraduates had the satisfaction of seeing the New London crew, with only one change in its complement, pull past the float with the same magnificent stroke that has won them their well-merited reputation. We are expressing the feeling of the entire college when we heartily thank the stroke and the bow of the '78 crew for coming to the rescue when the future of our rowing interests seemed so disheartening. Fortunately, the offer of ten thousand dollars is still left open by the graduates, and the question of sending a crew to England next summer will probably be decided in the meeting to be held next week. Yale's challenge should be accepted at once. Our delay in answering it can be defended no longer, now that our crew is reorganized.
