IT was stated in the last Advocate that all Sophomores and some twenty-five Juniors had been excluded from Philosophy 6. In the case of Sophomores this is not such a hardship, as they have still two years more in which to take the two courses, if they desire to do so; but it seems to me that it is an act of injustice to prevent any Junior from electing it. It is acknowledged that this course is one of the most important that is given, and it is certainly very hard to have to put it off until the Senior year, and thus to be prevented from taking Philosophy 7 at all. There does not seem to be any reason why a third division should not be formed, and thus give room for all.
In conclusion, allow me to say one word about the instructor in this subject; namely, that he does not seem to have found out yet that there is any distinction between a college and a primary school.
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