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WE fully agree with what was said in the last Advocate about the music at prayers, and are happy to join in calling attention to the matter, and asking for some change. It is certainly useless to try and make a success of the present system; the experiment has been tried for many years and has hopelessly failed. If we must have music at all, let it be instrumental music, as the Advocate suggests. But why must there be music? It does not form a necessary part of the morning exercises, and we venture to say that very many would prefer to employ the time which it takes up in some other way. History tells us that Cyrus, when a young man, was awakened every morning by sweet strains of music, in order that he might begin the day in harmony with everything. Perhaps the Faculty think that it answers the purpose equally well to wake us up with a harsh bell, and give us the music half an hour afterwards; but the delay is fatal. By the time the music comes we are not in a fitting frame of mind to appreciate it.
