

No Headline

THE list and order of Athletic events will be found in our brevity column. It contains all the features of the former tournaments, with the exception of the parallel bars, - an event which proved uninteresting from the want of skilful contestants. However, there are still events enough to occupy the full time of the meetings. We are pleased also to note that the sports have been changed to the afternoon; a time more convenient to all, we are sure, except our good Boston members, who may consider the change an encroachment upon their Saturday promenades in town. The prizes will be selected according to the best judgment of the officers, but of course the funds of the Association will not allow the display of much taste. Men should, however, contend for the honor and not the prize. Next year, it is thought, some measures will be taken to make, not the pewter, but the credit attached to winning an event in good style, the object of a man's ambition. We call particular attention to the request contained in our last number, that those intending to join the Association will do so immediately.
