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THE only means we had for raising money for our crew besides the subscription-list, namely, the boat-club theatricals, have been taken from us, and it now behooves us to find something to take their place, which the Faculty will not be apt to object to. Why can we not have such a subscription ball as Columbia is to have to aid her crew? There are men among the undergraduates who, assisted by graduates in Boston, could certainly make such a ball a grand success, financially and socially. We commend this idea to their attention. Furthermore, we are by no means sure that the proposed concert in Sanders Theatre, by the Glee Club and Pierian, could not be carried out. In some way or other more money must be raised for the crew than the subscription-list, as it now stands, seems likely to furnish. The amount subscribed on this list (which will be found in the Brevity column) by all classes, except the Sophomores, is below the share which it is customary to allot to the class in proportion to their burdens. Of the whole amount required the Seniors are assessed twelve per cent., the Juniors and Sophomores twenty-five per cent., and the Freshmen thirty-eight per cent. According to the estimate of the treasurer it will be necessary to have about thirty-two hundred dollars subscribed. The Sophomores have already subscribed their portion, the Seniors are about forty-two dollars behind, the Juniors one hundred and seventy, and the Freshmen seven hundred! The Freshmen must make a most decided "brace." The above allotment is so made as to consult the best interests of all classes, and is perfectly fair. If the College care enough about the crew to send them to meet Yale, the College must subscribe the necessary funds; and we all have a right to call on the Freshmen to subscribe their just share.
