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ON next Tuesday evening President McCosh, of Princeton, will deliver a lecture before the Inter-collegiate Association on "The importance of forming Associations among American Colleges to raise the Standard of Scholarship"; and Colonel T. W. Higginson will deliver an address on the history, objects, and needs of the Association. For four years this Association has been before the public, and every year it has met with less favor than it received the year before. As we have had occasion to show, the examinations cover less ground than do our examinations for second-year honors; so that the Association offers only one contest which we are not better provided with at home, namely, the contest in oratory. Even this bids fair to lose its place on the programme, and the man who urges its abolishment is the stanchest friend of the Association, Dr. McCosh. In its place he would have a discussion of "live topics," - a change so startling as to cause Hamilton, that well-spring of eloquence, to withdraw at once from the Association. Next year literary meetings of the Association will be held before the oratorical contests, and at these meetings the successful competitors of previous years will read theses embodying the results of original research in their respective departments.
