


SEC. 1. The name of this Association shall be "AN ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN COLLEGES."

SEC. 2. The object of this Association shall be the promotion of athletic sports among the members of its respective Colleges, by meetings and friendly contests.


SEC. 1. This Association shall be represented by Conventions, consisting of one or two delegates from each of the several Colleges which may have been admitted to representation, in the manner hereafter provided for.

SEC. 2. Any College desiring to be represented in the Association shall present at the Annual Convention of said Association a written official notice to that effect.


SEC. 3. All applications for membership shall be voted upon at the annual meeting of the Association, where, if a two-thirds majority of the Colleges represented vote in favor thereof, such College or Colleges applying, shall be admitted to, and entitled to representation in the Association.

SEC. 4. Any graduate or ex-member of a College who has at any time represented his College at any regular meeting of the Association, shall thereafter be an honorary member of said Association, and shall have the privilege of speaking thereat, of making motions, but not of voting. He shall furthermore be eligible for office.

[Articles III., IV., and V. refer to the election of Officers.]


SEC. 1. The Committee of Athletic Sports shall consist of three members, who must be graduates or undergraduates of the Colleges belonging to the Association. The President of the Association shall be Chairman of the Committee, the other two members to be elected at the Annual Meeting by the marking list, as set forth in Cushing's Manual.

SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of this Committee to make and carry out all arrangements which they shall deem necessary for the complete success of the Games. To meet all expenses which the Committee may incur for the above purpose, and which shall be divided equally among all the Colleges participating in the Games, such a tax shall be levied by the Chairman of the Committee, upon the different Colleges, as he shall deem necessary.

SEC. 3. The Umpire to serve at the Annual Field Meeting shall be elected at the regular Annual Convention of the Association.

SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the Umpire to settle all disputes, claims, or disagreements arising among the Judges.

SEC. 5. Each College may, if it desires, be represented at the regular Field Meeting by one Judge, to be named by said College.

SEC. 6. The duties of the Judges shall be, to be present at the regular Field Meeting of the Association, and to assign to the contestants their positions, at the end of the respective events. The manner in which they shall carry out this duty shall be settled by the Committee on Athletic Sports.


SEC. 1. Any College may be expelled from the Association by a three-fourths vote of the Colleges composing it.

SEC. 2. Causes for which a College may be expelled from the Association shall be, failure to pay the yearly assessment under the conditions hereafter provided for, refusal to abide by the decisions of the Umpire, or participation in any transaction by which the good name of the Association may be imperilled.


SEC. 1. Colleges shall not be obliged to send representatives to the yearly Games, nor shall they lose their membership by failure to do so.

SEC. 2. Failure to send delegates to a Convention shall not deprive a College of its membership in the Association.

Permanent Resolutions passed at the Convention of April 4, 1877.

Resolved, No College shall be obliged hereafter to pay the yearly assessment unless it sends one or more representatives to the Field Meeting of that year.

Resolved, No College that did not send representatives to the last Field Meeting (July 20, 1876), shall be obliged to pay its assessment.
