THE announcement of the studies for the year 1877 - 78 is prefaced by the notice that, hereafter every student will be required to register on the first day of the college year. In view of the delay that has hitherto attended the getting the college into working order, we think that this requisition will be generally commended, even though it interferes in some degree with what has come to be known as the Senior privilege. Among the additions to be made next year, we notice a course in Homeric philology, designed for persons intending to become teachers; four courses in German; one in Mathematics; one in General Entomology (Natural History 2); and an additional course in Music. In History, 6 and 7 will be parallel courses, the former treating the history of the United States from 1789 to 1840 from the Democratic standpoint, while the latter course goes over the same ground, but takes the Federalist side. The work History 1 will be continued through two years. The whole number of elective courses that will be given next year is one hundred and four, a gain of eleven over the present number. We also find that several gentlemen before whose names we have been accustomed to see the plain "Mr." now figure under the more dignified title of "Dr."
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