THE Boat Club have ordered a cedar shell from Blakey, which will probably be finished in the course of two weeks, and will then show the results of most careful worksmanship on the part of the builder, who, by the way, is considered one of the best in the world. The boat will be about sixty feet long and two feet wide. Special attention has been paid to the construction of the coxwain's seat, and it is believed that in this particular the best possible contrivance has been secured. The crew regret that they have been unable to obtain an English boat, and have thus lost the chance of selecting the fastest boat for the race; but they are determined to do their best with the Blakey ship.
On Saturday last Messrs. Harwood and Bancroft, of the Executive Committee of the Boat Club, went to Springfield and secured quarters for the crew. These will be in West Springfield, just above the start of last year. The crew will probably leave Cambridge about the last of June, and will be in Springfield for a week or two's practice on the Connecticut before the race, which will probably be rowed over the same course as last year, although there has been some talk of changing the course for one to finish farther up the river.
The same coxswain will steer this year as last, unless something unforeseen occurs, in which case several very good men who have lately appeared on the river are ready to take his place.
The new uniforms of the crew are similar to those used in 1875, - trunks and sleeveless jerseys with crimson trimmings.
The river near the boat-house, since the warm weather has come on, presents quite a lively scene of an afternoon, between half past four and six, and more frequently may be seen the hapless tyro swimming toward the float with his dismantled shell in tow.
W. A. B.
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