Each examination begins at 9. A. M. except where otherwise stated. Recitations and Lectures for Seniors, Juniors, and Sophomores end after May 26; for freshman after June 9.
Monday, May 28th. Classics Mass 3.
Philosophy 5, 6, Mass. 1.3.
Chemistry 1, U. E. R. & U. 10.
Physics 6. Mass. 3.
Natural History 6, Zool. Museum.
Tuesday, 29th, Greek 4, U. E. R.
English 3, U. E. R.
French 5, U. E. R.
History 1, U. E. R.
Natural History 5, Zool. Museum.
Wednesday, 30th, Greek 3, U. E. R.
Italian 2, Mass. 1.
History 6, Mass. 1.
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