THE plan, which is being seriously considered, of changing the breakfast hour at Memorial from eight to seven o'clock, with the understanding that the chapel hour shall remain where it now is, seems altogether undesirable. It would cause an immense amount of inconvenience without giving any compensating gain in time. The time allotted for breakfast would be shortened nearly one half, since, in order to reach chapel, one must get to breakfast at least as early as half past seven; and even then there would be no enjoyment of the meal, but a rapid shovelling process, alike disagreeable and detrimental, would take place. Should we fail, by reason of a morning nap or otherwise, to reach the hall before this early hour, either breakfast or chapel must be sacrificed. A modifying suggestion to extend the breakfast hour from seven to half past eight has been made. This plan, which is certainly better than the first, will perhaps be acceptable to many. But this course is also open to objections, since for all those who would get breakfast after prayers (and this number would perhaps represent the majority) there would be left only the second choice, the picked bone. The first plan has positive faults, the second only negative virtues.
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