THE stroke at present is too uneven. The jump at the beginning, which amounts to a jerk and causes the stroke to slacken in the middle, makes the middle and end inefficient; whereas an even, equable pull from beginning to end, well marked and defined at the beginning by getting the oar-blade instantly buried on the full reach, and pulled evenly clear through to the end, is more desirable. There is no use in banging the water on the full reach. Simply bury the oar-blade, instantly but lightly, throwing the weight and strength on quickly and without any hang. No harsh, jerking motion should be allowed. Get the catch of the water on the full reach, instantly, lightly, and firmly, and as hard as the oarsman can pull evenly all through. If there is a jerk on the beginning, there is a slack or hang in the middle of the stroke, and a vain effort at the end to make up for the deficiency at the middle.
The feather is very uneven, and at present the defects are as follows: a tendency to neglect the end of the stroke, a quick rush of the arms till straight, and a hang before the body follows, ending with a marked pause on the full reach.
It is well to slow down and brace one's self just before coming to the full reach; but no hang or pause should occur. The shoot of the arms should be smoother, lighter, and easier, and more uniform in the motion. Neither the stroke, nor the feather, nor the recover should have any jerking, harsh motion or hanging about them in any part. Let each man in the crew grab firmly all he can hold (and no more) and row well home without jerking. More ease and uniformity in all parts of the stroke and a better control of the various movements are necessary before the boat will be rowed steadily.
For the present the chief aim should be form; the strength, of which the crew has abundance, can follow later, and with better results. Form, form, is what is needed now. Each member of the crew should endeavor to row every stroke as evenly as possible, and should never row one carelessly. The men still fail to realize the necessity of constant attention while at work. Not only when being coached, but from the time the boat is taken from the rests till it is replaced, must their earnest attention be fixed on what they are doing.
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