Yale had best look out for her political laurels, for Amherst has entered the race. The text-book used is President Seelye's recent speech on counting the Electoral votes, copies of which are gratuitously furnished by the author to each student.
WENDELL PHILLIPS, so the Student informs us, has been lecturing at Amherst under the auspices of the Base Ball Association; and the charges for the hall were "the same as those made to any dramatic company which 'gives an entertainment' in the 'Parthenon of America.'"
The autograph mania has seized upon the Amherst library, and the faculty, trustees, donors, and other prominent friends of the college are to be asked for specimens of their chirography. The students are requested to assist in making the collection, coming in, we suppose, under the head of "other prominent friends of the college."
CAPTAIN COOK has been spending a few days in Boston. He speaks very highly of the style in which the Harvard crew is rowing. Mr. Dana, their coach, has recently visited England, and under his training the men show great improvement over their work of last year. They give promise of being an excellent eight, and the contest will undoubtedly be of unusual interest. - Record.
FROM the calendar of college events published in the World, we learn that March 8 is the day appointed for "opening of medical lecturer" at Vermont University, and that a similar ceremony is to be performed on the 13th, at Boston University. Whether, owing to a scarcity of subjects, the lecturers are compelled to operate on themselves, or whether the classes intend to cut their instructors, has not yet transpired.
The World's reports of college doings grow better and better as the weeks go by. The one who has charge of that department seems to understand what he is talking about; the arrangement is always good, and the facts are never twisted. The same may be said, negatively, of the Transcript's reports.
THIS week, the Era mourns. The "unsuspecting Westerner" no longer listens to the dulcet tones of Cornell, "one of the most popular colleges in the country, in the opinion of Westerners." The reasons are the Cincinnati Examinations, and the fact that "every State has a dozen monohippic colleges at least, which he feels in duty bound to attend, partly out of patriotic motives, and partly on account of the great risk and expense incurred in coming east." Think of the patriotic westerner debating with himself as to which one of the four hundred and fifty-six "monohippic" colleges he shall honor with his presence! What peculiar risk there is in going to Cornell we are at a loss to discover, unless, indeed, it is the Ithaca mud which the Era is constantly complaining of.
There seems to be no one on the Era board who is able to translate French. The paper translates all the quotations from other languages which it uses; but a person who could tell what is meant when the Era, referring to a man who has left college, says, "the corps has lost a most genial confrere," would be an addition to the editorial staff.
WE have been requested to state that the Boston Transcript's story, that Professor Paine is endeavoring to get a boy choir from the Cambridge schools for the services in the Chapel, is as false as most of the College news that the Boston papers give their readers.
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