WE have received the official circular for February of Johns Hopkins University. As yet no settled plan for conducting the University has been decided upon, so that the present scheme may be materially modified in the announcement for next year, which is to be published hereafter. At present, students of three sorts are in attendance. On entering the University, if the student meets the requirements, he is at once admitted to full membership; but if he is not prepared in certain branches, his matriculation may, with the consent of the Faculty, be deferred for a reasonable time. Special students are admitted on showing their ability to make a good use of the advantages which the University offers. Among the requirements are the following, not necessary at Harvard; in mathematics, solid geometry, trigonometry, analytic geometry; in Latin, one book of Livy and two books of Horace; in Greek, one play of Euripides. French and German may be offered instead of Greek. In the languages the examinations aim to find out whether the candidate has "a sound and accurate knowledge of these languages." There are twenty fellowships, of the value of five hundred dollars each, whose object "is to give to scholars of promise the opportunity to prosecute further studies, under favorable circumstances, and likewise to open a career for those who propose to follow the pursuit of literature or science." There are now in attendance twelve matriculated, and twenty-three unmatriculated students, besides twenty-nine college graduates not holding fellowships.
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