

THE measles are prevalent in college.

THE New York Harvard dinner took place yesterday evening.

THE fifth concert in the Sanders Theatre occurred Wednesday evening.

THE Freshman crew are endeavoring to arrange a race with the Union Boat Club.

MR. BULL, '77, has resigned the office of Secretary of the Associate Members of the Glee Club.


THE Pierian Sodality are preparing for a concert, which is expected to take place in about a month.

A PARCEL of little muckers were very anxious to go up on the Matthews Alligator the other day.

PROFESSOR NORTON'S evening reading will be omitted next Tuesday.

MR. PAUL SHOREY, '78, has discovered a method whereby the process in qualitative analysis is much shortened.

MR. A. M. SHERWOOD, '78, has resigned the Secretaryship of the H. U. B. C., and Mr. W. Trimble '79, has been elected to fill his place.

THE winter meetings of the Harvard Athletic Association will take place on the second, third, and last Saturdays in March, at 11 A. M. We have received the list of rules too late for publication.

THE following men are trying for positions on the Holyoke crew: Messrs. Donaldson, Hastings, Balch, Brewster, Griswold, Stiles, Slade, Rogers, Watson, and Willison.

THE first nine of the Hasty Pudding Club from '78 are: Messrs. J. Parker, W. S. Otis, W. A. Bancroft, J. Homans, F. W. Thayer, A. P. Loring, E. Blaine, N. P. Bond, F. O. de Billier.

THE following men are trying for positions on the University Nine: Ernst and Tyng, '76; Annan, Dow, Latham, Leeds, and Sawyer, '77; Holmes and Thayer, '78; Thorp and Wright, '79.

OFFICERS of the S. Paul's Society for the next term are: President, L. Jacob, '78; Vice-President, W. T. Cox, '79; Secretary, W. H. Brune, '78; Treasurer, E. L. Baylies, '79; Librarian, W. G. Pellew, '80.

THE Harvard Natural History Society have elected the following officers for the second half-year: President, Professor N. S. Shaler, S. D.; Vice-Presidents. J. W. Fewkes, '75, R. W. Greenleaf, '77; Corresponding Secretary, Dr. William James; Recording Secretary, George Dimmock, '77; Treasurer, F. F. Doggett, '77; Librarian, C. E. St. John.

THE Matthews Club have opened a book at the Gymnasium, and the following men have entered their names for the crew: G. L. Meyer, A. P. Cushing, J. Q. A. Brett, J. T. Gilbert, G. K. Boutelle, W. H. Hubbard.

ONLY seven Freshmen have so far joined the Athletic Association. Freshmen are reminded that every one connected with the University must be a member of the Association in order to gain admittance to the approaching tournaments at the Gymnasium. All who wish to join the association are requested to call at the Secretary's room, 29 Weld.

THE recitations in Sophomore Prescribed History will begin on Monday, February 26, in U. 7. The first lesson is to page 25 of "The Crown and its Advisers." The sections are : -

Sec. I., Adams - Cutter.

Sec. II., Dalzell - Kitfield.

Sec. III., Ladd - Russell.

Sec. IV., Sargent - Wolff.

H. R. C. - The meeting of this corps, announced for Monday last, was adjourned until Monday, February 26, at 6.30 P. M., to give members of the upper classes an opportunity of joining; preparation for the Semiannuals having prevented the attendance of many who are favorable to the movement. It is desirable that all who wish to avail themselves of this course of instruction in military affairs should be present at the Gymnasium, as a draft of a constitution and by-laws will be submitted to the meeting. The corps is open to all departments of the University, free of expense.

ARYANA VAEJO. - "Our Aryan Ancestors: their Early Culture, Myths, and Folk Lore." Four Lectures by John Fiske.

I. The Aryans. - Who are the Aryans? Origin and meaning of the name. The Comparative Method. Survey of Aryan languages. Huxley's theory of the race-elements in Europe.

II. Linguistic Palaeontology. - How we arrive at conclusions concerning the culture of the primitive Aryans. Grimm's Law. Reconstruction of the Aryan mother-tongue. Old Aryan names for houses, towns, domestic animals, etc.

III. Interpretation of Myths. - What is a myth? Euhemeristic theory. Comparison of myths. Hercules and Cacus. Max Muller's interpretation inadequate. Daphne. The Erinys. Primitive thought. Object-souls and indwelling spirits.

IV. Aryan Myths and Folk-Lore. - Mediaeval books of folk-lore. The Grimms and their followers. The Travelling Musicians. The ass in Vedic mythology. Community of Aryan folk-lore. The magician Punchkin. Russian story of Koshchei the Deathless. Mythologic origin of folk-lore.

The above lectures are to be delivered in Boston in March, the exact time, place, and price to be determined hereafter.
