


- Banger rushes have been forbidden the Freshmen on penalty of punishment equal to that which fell to the share of the Sophomores last year.

- Eight Freshmen are training for the class crew, and thirteen or fourteen are trying for the class nine.

Behold the superior attractions of base ball!

The recent misconduct of the Sophomores has led the Faculty to seriously consider the abolishment of the Delta Kappa and Kappa Sigma E societies.?


Tufts.- Notman has been engaged as class photographer.

- There will probably be a week's vacation some time in April.

- Dr. Harris's farce of "Chums" is to be brought out by the dramatic association.

- The Athletic Association will not enter the intercollegiate contests this year. The regular spring contest will take place in May.

- Professor Dolbear has recently received from Dubosque, Paris, the last of the consignment of philosophical apparatus ordered by Professor Marshall when in Europe last year, consisting of designs in selenite, sections of quartz and quartzware plates of mica for study in polarized light, prism of salt, apparatus for conical refraction, and a saccharimeter.

Cambridge.- The Fishmongers' Company have made a grant of a hundred guineas to the Building Fund of Girton College.

- The present year is the Jubilee year of the Oxford and Cambridge Match, the first Inter-University cricket match having taken place at Lord's in 1827.

- The Bicycle Club is in a flourishing state. Excursions will take place weekly, and probably some runs at the end of the term.
