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THE Crimson, as every one knows, besides giving the College news of the week, is intended to reflect undergraduate opinion on events which directly concern the students in general. We are perfectly well aware that, though they often make unpleasantly searching scrutiny into our conduct, the "powers that be" care little or nothing for our views in regard to any of their actions. Howbeit, the decision made by the Committee on Proctorships has not given unalloyed satisfaction to the undergraduate world. This committee has appointed two fresh Seniors (from another college) to the important, passably lucrative, and quite honorable position of proctor, to the exclusion of men of abler scholarship and presumably closer interest with the University, who graduated in '75, '76, and '77. Such action as we complain of is frequent in German universities of equal standing with Harvard, but we hope that hereafter the committee will give the preference to Harvard graduates, to whom, other things being equal, it of right belongs.
