


-The Glee Club gave their first concert at Water-bury, November 28.

- The Theologues gave an entertainment on the evening of the 27th.

- Some members of the Sophomore Class have lately been suspended.

- Some Juniors have had a successful game of Hare and Hounds. The start was from Whitneyville, and the finish was Mt. Carmel, about eight miles distant.

- The Lowell Mason Society, composed of twelve members of the Theological department, gave their second annual concert on the 27th.


Brown.- The reading-room is now kept clean, well heated and lighted.

- The college is to have a new dormitory fronting on George Street, built in the "Mediaeval" style.

- The Glee Club sang at an entertainment given in Music Hall, November 7.

- At the annual cane rush between the Sophomores and Freshmen, the Sophomores were victorious.

Amherst.- The formation of reading clubs is being considered.

- No reply has been received from the foot-ball challenge sent to Williams.

- At their last meeting the Faculty decided not to make any change in the vacation.

- Dr. Field, '34, who formerly held the position of professor of rhetoric and English literature in this college, has been elected librarian and professor of bibliography.

- At a recent meeting '78 decided to make some changes in the usual Class Day exercises. In the forenoon ivy planting with an oration and poem is proposed; in the afternoon the exercises at the hall will be as usual, but at the grove the class prophecy and the prophecy on the prophet will be substituted for the customary oration, and the squabble between Sophomores and Freshmen will be omitted. The promenade concert will be held on the campus Wednesday evening. A platform will be erected, and the grounds and buildings illuminated with Japanese lanterns.

Columbia.- Dr. Pearce has begun a series of six lectures on "Practical Harmony."

- The Glee Club have been asked to give a concert, to raise money for defraying the debt of the Intercollegiate Athletic Association.

- The Chess-Club of '78 has begun a match with the Philidor Chess-Club of Cornell. The match is to be played by correspondence.

- The class-races took place on the Harlem, on Saturday, 3d November. The races were started from Macomb's Dam Bridge, and rowed to the boat-house.

Princeton.- Princeton claims the championship of the Foot-Ball Association ; Yale, of the continent.

- Princeton's success at foot-ball may be ascribed to the fact that the students practise by moonlight.

- The college Glee Club and the orchestra have agreed to give a concert to pay off the boating debt.

- Two fellowships, open to recent graduates who may wish to pursue the study of mental and moral philosophy, have been established.

- "At the Harvard game. when a Princeton man made one of his fine plays, an intensely interested (and interesting) young damsel was heard clapping her hands and exclaiming: 'Do bring that dear Mr. - to me. How I would like to kiss him ! Do introduce me to him.'"

Oxford.- Professor Ruskin's lectures are very crowded, - all sitting and standing room is fully occupied.

- It is estimated that there are 3,000 dogs in the town of Oxford. Danger from hydrophobia is apprehended.

- It is rumored that fellowships, hereafter, are not to be held for a period of more than seven years, after which their holders will resign, to be eligible for re-election on condition of taking college work.

- The Magdalen College Athletic Sports took place, Nov. 9 and 10 the Freshmen's (University) on the 13th and 14th. As will be seen, the Freshmen made the better record, though the comparison is hardly a fair one.

Magdalen College. Freshmen.

One-Hundred-Yards. II sec. 10 sec.

One-Mile-Race. 5 min. I sec 4 min. 43 4 sec.

High-Jump. 5 ft. I in. 5 ft. 2 in.

Long-Jump. 17 ft. 3 in. 19 ft I in.

One-Mile-Handicap. 4 min. 58 sec. 4 min. 47 sec.

Quarter-of-a-Mile. 56 2/3 sec. 54 1/3 sec.

Miscellaneous.- The Freshmen at Cornell have adopted "ashes of roses" as the class color !

- Paul Aker's heroic bust of Milton, the one which Hawthorne praises so highly in the "Marble Faun," has been purchased for the library of Colby University.

- The new dormitory at Brown College is to be built by Messrs. Stone and Carpenter. Miss Juliet Capulet's opinion as to the unimportance of names is certainly not borne out by the particular significance of these.
