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THE Board of Directors at Memorial Hall have at length put the Sunday breakfast half an hour later. The general appreciation of the change was shown by the number of men who last Sunday took advantage of this privilege and appeared in the Hall between nine and half-past. Considering how dear to most of us is that extra "forty winks" on the only morning whose slumberous stillness is unbroken by either first or second bell, and considering that all private clubs have late breakfasts on Sunday, it seems strange that the Board have not been sooner compelled, by complaints and discussions of the matter among the members, to take this action. However, late as it comes, we welcome the change; everything that makes boarding at Commons more convenient is a step in the right direction. Apropos of the above, it is rumored that several gentlemen lost their breakfasts last Sunday, owing to ignorance of the change. Yet such changes are always noticed (as this particular one was) in the College papers.
