

No Headline

THE advance sheets of the Index for 1877-78 are before us. In many respects this number of the Index is ahead of former numbers; this year, for the first time, many new lists find a place between its covers, while the athletic records are as full and exact as usual, and, by reason of the numerous victories for Harvard that they show, are more entertaining than they have been for several years. The Index is designed for the use of those students - and their number is large - who wish to have at hand the College club and society lists, and a full record of the athletics of the previous year. The matter, therefore, is always good; but we have some complaint as regards the manner. In the first place, the order which brings the Natural History Society between the Hasty Pudding Club and the Pi Eta, and which places the Law School clubs among college associations is highly objectionable. Again, the record of the race with Yale is printed in crimson ink. If the victory of the crew calls for such notice, certainly the Hartford game deserves to be honored in the same way; but we are of the decided opinion that the page would have looked much better if it had been printed uniform with the rest of the book. While we have found some few things to criticise, we have found much to praise in the book; and it should be remembered that the Index supplies a real need here at college, and that nowhere else can we have in so convenient a form the information that it contains.
