IT is doubly unfortunate that the Faculty have seen the necessity of putting an end to the theatricals in town, - unfortunate for the finances of the Boat Club, and unfortunate for the students, who are called upon to make up the amount which otherwise would come from the pockets either of graduates, or of friends, or of students who could feel that they were getting an immediate return from their outlay. The method of raising money by student entertainments possesses all the advantages of indirect taxes over direct, and we are loath to see this method given up, especially as there seems to be no reason for its discontinuance. If the Glee Club and Pierian Sodality would consent to let the proceeds of their first concert go for the benefit of the Boat Club, if Sanders Theatre could be secured as the place for the entertainment, if the tickets were sold at a low figure and a thorough canvass of the College made, - if these steps could be taken, we are confident that the result would be a large addition to the boat-club funds, and a consequent reduction of the amount to be raised by subscription.
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