


- The Centennial boating diploma adorns the boat-house.

- The german of the Society men in the Scientific School was "a very brilliant affair."

- In the recent game with Princeton no goals were kicked by either side, and touch-downs did not count. From this it is conclusively proved that Yale has the right of dictating terms next year.

- "Nigger baby" and "foot-and-a-half" - whatever they may be - are popular pastimes. With these on hand we see no reason why there should be a complaint of lack of employment for half-holidays.


Columbia.- The Medical students have "peppered" a meeting of the Liberal Club with strong cayenne.

- Two of the foot-ball team are trying to set the fashion of wearing "Bangles." We wish them success.

- All the college catalogues, some fifteen hundred in number, were sent back to the printers on account of the statement contained in them that Professor Burgess was "Professor of History, Political Silence, etc."

- At the annual meeting of the Senior class all business was suspended for a time while the "rowdy and baby" element threw chalk, towels, and other destructive missiles at the gentlemen of the class.

Princeton.- The Senior class is too fond of cutting Chapel.

- The Faculty, so it is said, will "put out" some of the "bright and shining lights" of '78.

- The oratorical contest in New York takes place on the 10th of January. On the evening of the 9th Dr. McCosh addresses the Board of Regents in Association Hall.
