

No Headline

THE tour of the Foot-ball Team has called forth a very sensible suggestion which will be found under the head of Correspondence. The writer referred to asks why those who go to New York and to other places at vacation do not, by reason of their numbers, obtain reduced rates from the railroads. It seems to us that this is a proposal both seasonable and practicable. In a few weeks the annual Thanksgiving migration will begin, and many, we are sure, would be glad to avail themselves of excursion tickets such as those lately used by the Fifteen. If such tickets were issued, to hold good for two weeks, they would be eagerly bought at Christmas also. It is a pity that something of this sort is not done. The main question probably would be, Who is to do it? Let our public-spirited correspondent start a list at Whiton's or Sever's, and we are confident he will find his fellow-travellers enough awake to their own interest to register their names in sufficient numbers ??? to obtain a considerable reduction of prices.
