- The Seniors build bonfires on the campus.
- At last reports there were only twenty insane persons in the Senior Class.
- The Yale student pays twenty-five cents each time he enters the College Art Gallery.
- Seventy-nine's race with Wesleyan had to be given up on account of the sickness of a number of the Wesleyan crew.
- "Many a Sophomore complains bitterly of the state of his finances, and wishes he had waited until Senior year before indulging his passion for pitching pennies."
Columbia.- A University Nine is talked of.
- The prospect for new buildings is discouraging.
- The Columbia student can cut prayers three times in two weeks.
- The "Harvard" stove has been replaced by the "Columbia," and now the students can keep comfortable.
Princeton.- The Lecture Association has died a natural death.
- Princeton is to send two nines into the Gymnasium this year.
- Eight Freshmen got 100 in Greek at the last division examination.
- Princeton is both surprised and amazed at the withdrawal of Hamilton from the Intercollegiate Literary Association.
Amherst.- There is a strong feeling against hazing.
- The Gymnasium is soon to be provided with a spirometer.
- Dr. Derby has been examining the Freshmen's eyes. Twenty-five per cent of the men have myopia.
- Amherst has a Foot-Ball Association, and a team has been selected and set to work. A game is to be played with Yale.
Williams.- The Senior Class has voted almost unanimously in favor of having Class Day.
- Telephonic communication has been made between rooms in East and South College.
- Athletic games were held on the grounds of the Hoosac Valley Agricultural Society, near North Adams, October 20.
- "Scenery Day" was given on Thursday, the 4th of October. About thirty Freshmen and Juniors ascended Greylock in a rain-storm.
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The Union Debate.