IT is a matter for regret that a gentleman could not have been chosen captain of the Freshman foot-ball team without having a man, antagonistic to him and imbittered by defeat, make a charge against some of his fellow-classmates of "stuffing the ballot-box." We presume, however, that the gentleman, when he made such an ungentlemanly statement, based on no proof whatsoever, and in a manner so much to be condemned, was disappointed and excited at the defeat of his candidate, and did not realize the bad taste, to say the least, of his action. It was an accusation insulting to the whole class; and it was, we believe, without precedent. It is gratifying to know that he who made the accusation was not borne out in it by even his most ardent supporters, - a fact which was clearly evinced by the unanimous election of Mr. Upham by acclamation. It can readily be seen that an occurrence like this tends to excite a feeling in a class that the four years' course might not serve to eradicate. As at the present day the classes are so large as to stand greatly in the way of class associations, ought we not, each one of us, to try to do all we can, at least, to keep out bitter sentiment?
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