


- The Glee Club has started out prosperously.

- The Freshman Scientific Crew has disbanded.

- The Sophomores have one debating society with the prospect of another.

- Foot-ball practice has begun, and a fine team is confidently expected.

- One of the events in the fall regatta is to be a canoe race. The winner is to have a leather medal.


- The annual negro minstrels, known as the Jubilee, is being discussed by the Faculty with a view to its discontinuance.

- New slang : "Cork," - flunk; "Tip a curl" - make a dead rush; "Take a calico ticket," - devote too much attention to snab; "On Dike," - quite the dear George.

Princeton.- One hundred and thirty-two have entered the Freshman class.

- The College grounds and buildings have lately been put under the protection of policemen.

- During vacation 1,200 books have been added to the College Library. The Library now numbers somewhat over 37,000 volumes.

- Princeton is to be represented in all the Intercollegiate examinations.

- If the students will stop breaking the glass in the entry windows, steam is to be put into East, West, and Reunion Halls. The last year's bill for glass was $2,400.

- New fences are to be provided, and are to have "a large round top railing, comfortable to sit on." Each class is to have a fence, the Seniors having the first choice.

- A series of eighteen games for the class base-ball championship has been arranged.

- The fall races are to take place, October 13, at Burlington, N. J.

- The class of '80 have returned from their suspension repentant. No stamping of feet and knocking of canes now greet the unusually green-looking Freshman on his advent to chapel.

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