

A PROPOSITION is now being considered by the Directors of the Memorial Hall Association, of such importance to all students of the University that I desire to call attention to it through the columns of the Crimson. It has been proposed, in addition to our usual limited choice, to place upon the tables lists of extra dishes that may be ordered by such students as are dissatisfied with the regular fare, and are willing, by paying a little more, to arrange the menu to better suit their respective tastes. These extra dishes are to be prepared by the steward, and furnished at a price just large enough to cover the cost of supplying them, and the list is to be comprehensive enough to make our Memorial table second to none within our reach.

This plan seems to me so desirable in every way that I am surprised it has not been thought of before and carried into execution. An objection has been raised that it might cause some dissatisfaction, either called up by the sensitiveness on the part of one man that would prevent his ordering for himself what his neighbor could not afford to have, or growing out of the envy of the neighbor caused by his inability to enjoy what his richer classmate has. But surely this is a puerile objection! Why, on the same principle, should one man wear a better coat than another? Why do some men have larger, more expensive, better furnished rooms than others? Why, again, does one man dare to board at an eight-dollar club-table for fear his less fortunate classmate, who is subject to the slow starvation of Mr. Farmer's table, may be envious of his better lot? Simply because in our student world, as in the world at large, there are men of various tastes and of various fortunes. If the College would do its students justice, it must make provision for them all.

And just here is where the present arrangement at Memorial Hall is inefficient and does a real injustice to a majority of students; since it does not provide for that large body of men who find it necessary to go outside to get the food suited to their desires. It is essential to keep the price of board as low as possible to suit the means of those who cannot afford to pay a high price; this fact all must recognize; but is it necessary in so doing to drive out the large class of men who want and must have better board than is furnished at Memorial? Have such men no rights to be considered? Have they no claims worthy of recognition? The possibility of this new plan answers my first question in the negative; the others can have but one reply. Again, this arrangement will bring new advantage to all concerned; it will enable those outside to come in and enjoy the associations of the dining-hall, thereby filling up the tables and insuring the success of the Association; and, moreover, it will lessen the price of the regular board; for each man would pay the regular price beside paying for such extras as he might order; but those who took extras would naturally not consume the regular fare, although they pay for it; therefore all the non-consumption would go to the credit of the general stock and thus decrease the general expense.

There are other arguments, practical and moral, in favor of this plan, too numerous to be given in this article. It seems to me that from whatever standpoint you look at it this arrangement is desirable. It is politic, fair, and just, while the present plan is impolitic, - since it is uncertain of success, - and is eminently unfair and unjust to a large number of students.


