- Professor Dana has begun a course of five lectures on Evolution.
- The Junior Promenade will occur February 6. The Glee Club will give a concert February 5.
- The Freshmen now have medical lectures in place of the Wednesday noon recitation; and gymnastics in place of the Saturday noon recitation.
- Captain Collin has the following men now training in the Gymnasium, from whom the University eight will probably be selected: Cooke, Thompson, Westcott, James, Livingston, Hyde, Walker, Hart, Keator, Polhemus, Clarke, and Holcomb.
Amherst.- The only Junior required study this term is Physics.
- The general health in college was thirty per cent better last term than in the fall term a year ago.
Columbia.- French and German will hereafter be required for admission to the School of Mines.
- At a social meeting of the Alumni, held December 22, at the Union League Theatre, Mr. John Jay strongly advocated the removal of the various departments of the University, and their establishment in one place as a single institution.
Wellesley.- When Ole Bull visited the college a short time since, the young ladies decorated the building with flowers, amused him with gymnastic exercises, and then listened with decorous attention to his playing.
- A petition is now before the Massachusetts Legislature asking that power be granted to the trustees of Wellesley College to confer degrees. It is claimed that this power is necessary to place the college on an equal footing with similar ones. Dr. Clark, in favoring the petition, said "that it was the intention of the trustees that no graduate should receive a degree unless having attained the highest standard of any college in the land."
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