THERE is nothing I like better than, when alone in my room, to draw a chair up to the fire and while away the last few minutes before the striking of the midnight clock in fanciful speculations for the morrow and in serious retrospect of the day spent. If I do not derive some benefit, at least, from these ruminations, it at any rate seldom happens that I think to-night on the subject of last night; but since this cold weather has set in, my thoughts hitch each time on the same point. I invariably dwell upon the temperature of my room, and find myself repeating again and again those expressions of discontent that are apt to proceed from a man who sees before him a blazing fire, but feels around him an intolerable chill. This troubled condition of mind forces me to unburden myself.
The state of our entries in such weather as this is enough to try the patience of more angelic dispositions than we boast of possessing in Weld. Why, we would ask, are not we favored with a furnace as well as the inhabitants of those other equally modern buildings, Holyoke and Matthews? The frigid air penetrates our walls as well as our doors and windows, and even our grates, which are acknowledged to be of a peculiar make, are not proof against this combined attack of the wintry blast. To leave open our outer doors is an utter impossibility, that is, if we object at all to having our feet frozen; and as we are forced to keep our portals closed in self-defence, we are fast gaining the unenviable reputation of "sporting" constantly. To make us comfortable would involve but little trouble and no great expense, so, at least, I am assured on good authority. And it seems to me not unreasonable to expect the Faculty to take some notice of a proposal (should such proposal be made) for a change wherein the comfort of so many is concerned. I understand that there has been some talk of presenting to the Faculty a petition to which shall be affixed the signatures of the men in Weld, to the effect that the Faculty consider the need of furnaces in our entries. A suggestion has also been made that the petition would be more readily granted, were the men in each entry willing to share among them the expense of the fuel; and though the Faculty would scarcely permit this, I am sure almost every one would gladly submit to such small increase of expense (were it necessary) for the sake of the additional comfort gained.
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