


AMONG the "Brevities" in the last Crimson was a copy of the Postal Cards sent to the Senior Class by Notman, in which you seemed to object to a part of the wording by putting it in Italics. It is but fair to Mr. Notman to say, that the objectionable features in this card were put in solely from ignorance of the feelings of the class, and not from any egotistical idea on his part. He would have been happy to word the notice in any way acceptable to the majority, and it was therefore unwise on his part to have sent it without consulting the Committee; but, having sent a precisely similar card to the two preceding classes, and not having received any intimation that the wording was out of the way, he supposed it would be as acceptable to the Class of '76 as to its predecessors.

H. A.[The notice referred to by our correspondent was one of several which the Senior class have received this year from their photographer. The tone which he has assumed in these communications has seemed to many persons not the proper one, considering the relation between himself and the persons he addressed. The note we printed was not, perhaps, as offensive as some of its predecessors. - EDS.]
