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AN account of the financial condition of the University Nine is given by the treasurer in another column. So far the Nine has managed to pay its expenses through the year, without asking for subscriptions except for their uniforms. They have played many games, and the gate-money taken has usually met their expenses, without leaving a surplus. This week they play two games, - one in Boston and the other in Taunton; and next week two on Jarvis. Saturday the 24th they go to New Haven and play with Yale on Monday; they go then to play Trinity and Princeton; and, in case the game with Yale is lost, they will play the third of the series in Springfield on July I. For this trip they need money, and have decided, therefore, to call for a subscription to meet their expenses. They ask for five hundred dollars, and we trust that it will be speedily forthcoming. An examination of the treasurer's account will show that while the expenses have been larger than usual this year, the amount which has been asked for from subscription-lists is much smaller than in former years. It is evident that care and economy have been used in the management of the Nine, and if the five hundred dollars they ask for is readily subscribed, there is good reason to believe that they will close the season as the winners of the College championship, with all their bills paid.
