

FOOT-BALL scrub-games every afternoon at 4 P. M.

The University foot-ball team will not play any more match-games this season.

WE learn from the Brunonian that the students of Brown have adopted knickerbockers.

THE second eight of the O. K. are: A. H. Amory, H. S. Butler, S. Butler, J. N. Byrne, A. B. Denny, H. T. Kidder, A. H. Latham, F. B. Tiffany.

A GAME was played last Wednesday afternoon between the Freshman Base-Ball Nine and a scrub nine from the Sophomores, in which the latter were victorious. Score, 9 to 8.


THE Springfield citizens' committee on the Harvard-Yale race has been organized, with L. J. Powers as president, R. O. Morris, secretary, D. J. Marsh, treasurer, and the necessary sub-committees.

COMMENCEMENT Day at Harvard falls this year on Wednesday, June 28. General Thomas Sherwin will act as chief marshal, and James Russell Lowell will preside at the after-dinner exercises.

WE find in the directions concerning the making out of lists of electives the following example as a model: Philosophy, 2, Cartesianism. If the students are as accurate in making out their lists as this specimen, which is given them as a model, the Dean may expect to find some such choice upon the lists as German, I, Moliere; or English, I, Dante.

A FEW days ago, a drawing was held of the rooms that were left over from the two former allotments. Another chance will probably be given to those who have rooms in the College buildings, and who wish to get rid of them, if they hand in, without delay, their names and rooms at the Bursar's office. The drawing will take place towards the first part of June.

THE weights and ages of the Wesleyan College crew are as follows: H. Sewell, captain, '76, age 21, weight 155 lbs., height 5.9 1/2; W. W. Van usen, '78, age 22, weight 152 lbs., height 5.8 1/2; E. L. Mead, '78, age 20, weight 153 lbs., height 5.8 1/4; F. G. Holcomb, '76, age 23, weight 149 lbs., height 5.10; W. E. Ward, '77, age 22, weight 145 lbs., height 5.8; B. A. Rich, bow, '78, age 21, weight 150 lbs., height 5.8.

TO-MORROW our University Nine meets Amherst, and Yale plays with Princeton.

A LARGE hole has been made in the Yard back of the Library, and the dwellers on the back of Weld will have their fill of noise next winter. The disciples of Goodeve will be seen in large numbers in that part of the Yard; and it has been suggested that the Corporation would save money by holding next year's recitations in Mechanics there, and obliging the Freshmen to perform practical examples.

THE Harvard Theatricals given on the 8th of May in New York, by the Harvard Club of that city, were a success. The burlesque of William Tell formed the chief part of the performance, and was preceded by the farce of "The Morning Call." Mr. S. H. Hooper, '75, played the part of Gesler, and was very funny, although he did not make the hit of the evening. That was left for Tell to do. The burlesque was followed by dancing.

THE cost the Corporation has been put to in fitting up the boat-house is as follows:-

Balance due and paid Thomas & A. W. Stearns . . $2,220.68

Amount paid J. L. & R. Nesbitt (contract) . . . 1,359.00

Amount paid J. L. & R. Nesbitt (extra work) . . 65.35

Amount paid for painting . . . . 106.75

Amount paid bringing in water . . . . 49.50

Amount paid legal services in securing title . . 15.00

Amount paid sundry persons for labor and material . . 130.13


Total . . . . . $3,946.41

On this the H. U. B. C. will have to pay a rent of ten per cent, $394.64.

SCENE, Recitation-Room.

Student (anticipating the regular joke). Please tell me what verb is omitted in this passage, "Di majorum umbris tenuem et sine pondere terram"?

Instructor (facetiously). Well, I should say it was the nearest thing to Grant, that is, Dent.

(Wooding up, etc.)

THE club crews are at present constituted as follows, and it is doubtful if there will be any further changes:-

Matthews: W. F. Weld, '76, stroke; S. Perkins, L. S. S., E. T. Hastings, '76, T. W. Preston, '79, W. Sheafe, '79, and T. Q. A. Brett, '77, bow, Weld: J. W. Wells, '79, stroke; F. A. Bates, '77, H. H. Brown, '76, W. A. Brown-low, '76, P. W. Page, '77, S. S. Raymer, '78, bow. Holyoke: C. G. Weld, '79, stroke; W. S. Miller, '78, D. T. Seligman, '76, P. Tuckerman, '78, C. Isham, '76, E. R. Hastings, '78, bow. Holworthy: R. W. Guild, '76, stroke; W. R. Taylor, '77, J. R. W. Hitchcock, '77, M. Bull, '77, F. W. Ware, '79, W. E. Russell, '79, bow. The race comes off a week from Saturday.
