AN iron fence is to be put round the Delta.
THE list of rooms will be out to-morrow morning.
GROUND will be broken next week for the extension of the Library.
THE foot-ball team is practising daily back of the Scientific School.
THE "Knickerbocker Club" will appear in costume for the first time on April 11.
THE University Nine will play the Lowells at Lowell on Fast Day, April 13.
THE Rifle Club will have their monthly prize match tomorrow, if the weather permits.
A NUMBER of French books relating to Professor Norton's courses in Fine Arts have been received at the Library.
EMBERS of the Sophomore class who want extra copies of the Class Songs can obtain them at 32 Holyoke or 10 Weld.
SOPHOMORES who anticipated the Constitution of the United States may learn their marks to-morrow morning at the secretary's office.
SUBSCRIPTIONS to the University crew can be paid, and lockers can be obtained at 27 Holyoke, on Saturday morning between 9 and 10 A. M.
PROFESSOR PAINE'S recitals will be discontinued during the next week, but will be resumed on the second week, with vocal and instrumental help.
ANY who desire to have their rooms photographed can have them done reasonably by Mr. Lewis, 33 River Street. The rate charged is $3 the half-dozen.
THE University crew have met with a great loss in their stroke, Mr. A. P. Loring, '78, who has been compelled to give up rowing for the present by advice of his physician.
DURING the coming spring the Athletic Association intend to have on every Saturday a few scrub-races, in order to keep the men in good training, and in order, also, to get some idea of the relative merits of the contestants before the summer meeting.
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