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THE final arrangements between Yale and Harvard as to the coming University boat-race at Springfield have been completed. Two judges from each college and a member of the Regatta Committee are still to be appointed, and after that we shall be able to give all our attention to the crews themselves. A position on the Regatta Committee is so full of work and responsibility that it is absolutely necessary that the right man be chosen for the place. There must be no mistakes this year in the management of the race. The demands that have been made of the city of Springfield are reasonable. It is simply asked to keep order and protect spectators, and to make an expenditure of money which is very small. On general principles, we are opposed to any sort of connection between the general public and the race. It is purely a college affair, with which the public should have but a passive interest. During the past few years, however, it has been the custom to talk and write about the College Regatta as if it were some professional contest.
