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SEVERAL changes have been made in reference to the required work of Junior and Sophomore years. The movement which tends to make our courses of study more and more elective is steadily progressing, and we may hope to see in a year or two all required studies confined to Freshman year.

The Faculty have voted to omit from the studies of Junior year that of Rhetoric, so that in future Juniors will have only two hours of required work through the year besides themes and forensics. Junior and Sophomore Rhetoric will be consolidated, thus making Sophomore Rhetoric a two-hour course for the entire year. Physics is to become a Freshman study only, and the Sophomores will have four hours' required work instead of six. Political Economy and Constitution will be replaced by some course in history, the nature of which has not yet been decided on; but the course will probably be a constitutional or a financial history of the United States.

To this last change we cannot too strongly object; but as the importance of a required course in Political Economy was discussed at some length in these columns last year, we will not revive the subject, but we feel sure that all will regret the giving up of a study at once so useful and necessary.
