THE seats have been put up on Jarvis Field.
MR. CHENEY, '78, is to be the coxswain of the University crew.
ONE hundred and twenty-five new trees have been planted in the Yard.
THE water-pipes back of Weld and Thayer are being laid by the city of Cambridge.
AT the last athletic meeting at Cambridge, England, the running was very good. The quarter-mile was made in 51 2/6 sec.; the one mile in 4 min, 35 1/6 sec.
THE officers of the O. K. are as follows: President, E. S. Martin; Secretary, Barrett Wendell; Treasurer, H. Wheeler; Librarian, Joshua Stetson.
TEN fellowships of $500 a piece are offered by the Trustees of the John Hopkins University to young men from any place for excellence in various branches of study.
THE Annual Exhibition of the Hasty-Pudding Club will take place on Tuesday afternoon, May 2, at 4.30 P. M. The exercises will consist of an oration and poem. All are invited to be present.
IN the repairing of Hollis the arrangement of the rooms will not be changed. The old beams which were before the fire covered by the ceiling will be left uncovered, and projecting into the room.
In about two weeks the scratch-races of the Athletic Association will begin, and be continued weekly until the summer meeting. They will probably be Thursday afternoons. Prizes will be given.
THE Yale University Nine for 1876 will be as follows: Morgan, c.; Bigelow, p.; Downer, 1st b.; Carter, 2d b.; Abbott, 3d b.; Wheaton, s. s.; Thompson, l. f.; Williams, c. f.; Platt, r. f.
SOPHOMORE themes must be handed in as follows:-
Theme IV., by Sections C and A, on April 21; Themes V. and III. (original and copy), by Sec. B1, on April 28; Sec. B2, on May 5; Sec. B3 on May 12; Sec. A on May 19.
ANY one wishing to join the University Boat Club can do so by calling at 30 Thayer.
Subscriptions to the University crew can be paid, and lockers can be obtained, at 27 Holyoke, on Saturday morning between 9 and 10.
ANY student who fails to answer a summons from the Dean, Register, or Secretary at the appointed time, is expected to answer that summons at the earliest opportunity, as determined by the hours of the officer who summoned him, without waiting for a second summons. - Bulletin Board.
THE Committee appointed to read the Bowdoin Prize Dissertations have awarded the following prizes:-
F. L. Wellman, of the Senior class, a prize of fifty dollars for a dissertation on "The Personal History of John Milton."
T. C. Williams, of the Senior class, a prize of fifty dollars for a dissertation on "The Poetry of the Nineteenth Century."
P. Lowell, of the Senior class, a prize of fifty dollars for a dissertation on "The Bank of England as a European Power between the death of Elizabeth and the death of Anne."
G. E. Hovey, of the Junior class, a prize of fifty dollars for a dissertation on "Schliemann's Excavations at Troy."
THE University crew have just received from England two sets of oars. They are of the same pattern as were used by the last crew of Cambridge, England. The blades are painted crimson.
THE All Canada Team are practising for the match with Harvard on the 8th of May. To-morrow, April 22, and a week from to-morrow, two trial-matches will be played at Toronto between two teams, under the name of East Ontario vs. West Ontario.
WE publish, by request, a list of the Secretaries of the boat-clubs, for the convenience of those who wish to join: Holyoke, Mr. W. S. Otis, 25 Holyoke St.; Matthews, Mr. C. W. Hubbard, Matthews 41; Weld, Mr. T. M. Sloane, Weld 2; Holworthy, F. J. Stimson, Holworthy 9.
THE present composition of the Yale eight oared crew that is to row with Harvard at Springfield, Mass., next June, is as follows: Edmund P. Livingston (bow), Frederick Wood, E. C. Cooke, W. W. Collin, David Hyde Kellogg, Charles N. Fowler, Julian Kennedy, Robert J. Cook (stroke).
THE matches thus far arranged by the Nine are as follows: Saturday, May 6, Tauntons, at Taunton; Wednesday, May 10, Browns, at Providence; Saturday, May 13, Browns, Jarvis Field; May 20, Amherst, at Amherst; May 24, Amherst, Jarvis Field; May 30, Live Oaks, at Lynn; June 3, Yale, Jarvis Field; June 17, Tauntons, at Taauton; June 26, Yale, at New Haven.
THE Pi Etas will give an entertainment at Union Hall, Cambridgeport, on the evening of Wednesday, May 3. An original farce, entitled "Class Day," will be produced, followed by the burlesque of "Villikins and his Dinah." The Pierian Sodality and the Cambridge Amateur Orchestra will furnish instrumental music. Tickets can be obtained at Thayer 47, or of members of the society.
THE annual theatricals given by the Hasty Pudding for the benefit of the Boat Club will take place at Horticultural Hall, Thursday and Friday evenings, and Saturday afternoon, April 27, 28, and 29. Two burlesques and three farces will be given, each performance consisting of a burlesque, preceded by a farce. Performances to begin at eight and half past two. Tickets may now be obtained at No. 45 Weld.
AN entertainment in aid of the Harvard University crew will be given under the auspices of the Harvard Club of New York City, at the Theatre of the Union League Club, Monday, May 8, at 8 o'clock. Tickets can be procured by addressing Montgomery D. Parker, 21 Brevoort Place, or at G. P. Putnam's Sons, Twenty-third Street and Fourth Avenue. Price, two dollars. Committee: M. D. Parker, F. G. Ireland, E. Szemelenyi, H. H. Crocker, Thomas Kinnicutt, F. M. Weld, F. R. Appleton.
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