

THE third meeting of the Athletic Association took place on Saturday last, the entrance being free to all undergraduates.

The first contest on the programme was the running high jump; the entries being Messrs. Hall, '76, and Hubbard, '78. Both contestants succeeded in clearing the rope at five feet one and a half inches, but failed at five feet two inches; a tie was therefore declared, but the judges awarded the prize to Mr. Hall, as he jumped in the best form.

The next event was the heavy-weight sparring match, for which the entries were as follows: Messrs. Reeves, L. S., Seymour, M. S., James, L. S. S., Cunningham, '74, Hall, '76, and Morgan, '78. The first match, between Messrs. Reeves and James, consisted of two rounds of five minutes each, in which the former got some very good blows into the face of Mr. James, and proved himself to be the better boxer, notwithstanding the superior strength of his adversary. In the next match Messrs. Cunningham and Morgan showed much skill, being pretty evenly matched. At the end of the second round the judges declared the first to be in favor of Mr. Cunningham, the second in favor of Mr. Morgan. This necessitated a third round, which was won by Mr. Morgan. The bouts which followed between Messrs. Seymour and Hall were extremely exciting. Both gentlemen proved themselves to be well skilled in sparring, and the applause which followed fully testified to the interest and appreciation of the spectators. Mr. Seymour was declared the winner.

A rest was here given to the boxers, while Mr. Stebbins, L. S. S., and Mr. Hoadly, '79, engaged in a fencing match, of which the former gained an easy victory. Mr. Stebbins then had a bout with Mr. Perkins, '79, who proved more of a match for him than Mr. Hoadly. The victory, however, was again decided in favor of Mr. Stebbins.

Two of the winners of the previous bouts in sparring, Messrs. Seymour and Reeves, then came forward. After a few partially successful movements on each side, they closed, and Mr. Reeves endeavored to get Mr. Seymour's head in chancery; but the latter, on account of his superior strength, succeeded in freeing himself. At last the judges decided in favor of Mr. Seymour. The final bout between Messrs. Seymour and Morgan then began, with great interest on the part of the spectators. Both contestants were excellent boxers, but Mr. Seymour labored under the disadvantage of being still somewhat blown by his preceding contest with Mr. Reeves, and Mr. Morgan succeeded in getting in several hard and lively blows. The bout, which was an exciting one, was decided in favor of Mr. Morgan, who received the prize offered by the Association. A handsome cup, however, which was presented by General Lister for the display of the finest sparring, was awarded by the judges to Mr. Seymour.


This meeting was perhaps the most exciting of the three which have taken place, and the introduction of fencing added a new and interesting feature.

P. T.
