THE Yale Courant complains that the Faculty have sent notes of warning - resembling our "publics" - to the parents of every Senior who has failed to obtain on his first half-year's work 2.50, which appears to be about half the maximum mark. The Courant thinks the Faculty very inconsiderate of the feelings of the families of the unfortunate students; and it quotes from sundry parental letters recently received by Yale men, to the effect: "Don't disgrace us all"; "Is this the return for the money I have laid out on your education?" etc.
THE Record is extremely religious again, having apparently fallen into the hands of embryo theologians. It has a great deal to say about a new chapel which has just been erected at Yale. It is liberal enough to suggest that required attendance at prayers be dispensed with, as it appears to think that the strength of the religious convictions of the students would secure the presence of a large number at every exercise. The longest editorial in the paper is directed against the heinous sin of Sabbath-breaking, which appears to be startlingly prevalent in New Haven. It appears that the students at first fell from grace by yielding to the temptation to rest on Saturday and to study on Sunday. The "conscience, stretched by this relaxation," soon permitted others, and "whist, poker, and Sunday-evening visits to Temple Street" - whatever that may mean - soon became common. These sins, horrible as they were, affected only the sinners, but at length, hardened by their vicious habits into a callous disregard of the feelings of their neighbors, the Sabbath-breakers began to sing and play snatches from college songs and the Opera Bouffe on Sunday. This final straw broke the Record camel's back, and the lament of the injured animal culminates in a prayer that the sinners may be induced to "rest their lungs on the Lord's Day."
AT some races recently held at Eton, the winner ran a mile in 4 min. 43 sec. In a poem in a recent number of the Etonian, it is interesting to notice that "cher enfant" is made to rhyme with "upon."
THE Oxford and Cambridge Journal notices a case which has recently figured in the Cambridge police-courts. It appears that an undergraduate named Linklater borrowed certain sums of money from a man named Sanderson at the moderate interest of 300 per cent. As Linklater lived very fast, and as his allowance was moderate, he was unable to pay Sanderson's account when it was presented. The matter was allowed to rest for some time, and finally Linklater showed a disposition to break his agreement, on the ground that he was a minor at the time he made it. Sanderson thereupon alleged that he had distinctly stated that he was of age when he contracted the loan, and prosecuted him for obtaining money under false pretences. Counter accusations of usury were made, and the affair ended in a scandalous muddle, which furnished the London papers with an excellent text for sermons against undergraduate extravagance.
The same paper contains a good deal of sporting news. The Cambridge Handicap One-Mile race was won in 4 min. 37 3/5 sec. The Cambridge University crew is hard at work. Their weights at present are as follows, - an English stone, by the way, is 14 lbs.: P. W. Brancker, Jesus (bow), 11 st. 9 lbs.; 2, T. W. Lewis, Caius, 11 st. 12 1/2 lbs.; 3, W. B. Close, 1st Trinity, 11 st. 12 1/2 lbs.; 4, C. Gurdon, Jesus, 12 st. 6 lbs.; 5, L. G. Pike, Cains, 12 st. 6 1/2 lbs.; 6, T. E. Hockin, Jesus, 12 st. 11 lbs.; 7, H. E. Rhodes, Jesus, 12 st. 4 lbs.; C. D. Shafto, Jesus (stroke), 11 st. 12 lbs.; G. L. Davis, Clare (cox.), 6 st. 12 lbs.
A bicycle club has been formed at Cambridge, for the purpose of "encouraging proficiency in bicycling among the members of the University," and of "being a centre of information for those who are unacquainted with the country." They have a club-room "hung with maps of the adjacent country on a large scale, the different roads being classified according to their average fitness for bicycling purpose." Some notion of their proficiency may be gathered from the notice of a meet at 1 P. M. on the 21st ult., when it was proposed to ride 44 miles during the afternoon.
THE Cornell Review is furiously indignant with the Brunonian for having "plagiarized" from a Cornell paper the following sentence: "Perhaps there is no subject more thoroughly discussed among thinking students than general reading." The startling originality of the idea precludes the possibility, according to the Review, of its having occurred to two men.
It appears that a practice known as "stacking" is in vogue at Cornell. "Stacking" is a sort of practical joke "usually perpetrated by friends on friends." The perpetrating friends choose a moment when their victimized friend is absent to enter his - or her - room, and to pile up his - or her - furniture, books, and other effects in the middle of the floor. The Review admits that this is not "true hazing," but denounces it as "sneaking"; and declares that the perpetrators deserve a good "threshing," which we suppose to be a Western synonyme for "thrashing."
The Cornell Navy, according to the same publication, is a trifle "over-confident," and needs to "brace up," "to use the polished rhetoric of Yale." The finances of the Navy seem to need "bracing up" too. The "Fourth Annual Navy Ball" occurred the other night, but comparatively few ladies were present, a number being kept away by "Miss Flora McFlimsey's reasons," and some others possibly being afraid to leave their rooms for fear of "stacking."
AN editorial in the College Argus shows that marks are not declared at Wesleyan with any more expedition than they are at Harvard; and there is a good deal of complaint about the delay in the publication of the marks.
ACCORDING to the law of New Hampshire, persons residing in a place for the purpose of obtaining an education have no right to vote. This regulation falls particularly severely upon Dartmouth students, and the Dartmouth devotes a column to an assertion of the rights of undergraduates, which is so ardent that it recalls the stirring manifestos of 1776.
THE Brunonian explains that Brown has determined to send no crew to Saratoga for the following "simple" reasons, which cannot help being "satisfactory to the most ardent friend of Brown or the dullest intellect": first, one of their best men could not row, for reasons not made public, and of course they would not send a crew which did not contain all "their best men"; and secondly, they owe "quite a sum" for last year's expenses, and wisely consider that it is best to incur no new debts until the old ones are paid off.
THE college color of Tufts is seal-brown and white.
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Sophomore Studies at Yale.