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WITH our term bills has come the usual notice in regard to college rooms. Several new regulations have been made which will probably have the effect of putting an end to the bad practice which has so long existed, of drawing for rooms without intending to use them, and selling them to those who are less fortunate in the allotment. By the old system all except the few who drew rooms were obliged either to pay a large bonus for the privilege of rooming inside the Yard, or else were obliged to room outside. This converted the allotment of rooms into a mere opportunity for speculation among the students, for which no capital was required, and of which the profits were often large. A change from such a system is what most undergraduates desire, and the Bursar has succeeded in wording his circular in such a manner that probably no loopholes can be found for the speculator to creep through, or by which he may continue his nefarious trade.

This year every person who draws a room and signs an agreement must pay the whole rent himself, whether he uses the room or not, and he cannot transfer the room to any one else, or allow any other student to occupy it. No transfers of rooms are allowed, except in case of exchanges, and rooms which are not wanted can only be disposed of by surrendering them at the Bursar's office. By means of the new regulations we may look forward to a more just division of vacant rooms this year. As the number of applicants will be considerably smaller than heretofore, the chances of those who desire to obtain rooms for their own occupancy will in consequence be greater, while the speculation in rooms which was rapidly becoming a public disgrace will be prevented.
