

No Headline

THERE seems to have been some misunderstanding among the students in regard to the number of marks necessary for a degree. That an average of 50 per cent must be obtained for the whole course, and that the average for Senior year must be 50 per cent, all know. But many students have been in doubt whether it was necessary to obtain this mark on each study, or whether a general average was all that was required. We have the authority of the Registrar to state that the latter is the case. A Senior who obtains less than 40 per cent on any elective is by the rules of the College conditioned, and of course loses his degree. But the required average of 50 per cent is a general average, and if a man obtains a mark above 50 - e.g. 55 - in one subject, it will counterbalance a mark between 40 and 50 - e. g. 45 - in another, and his degree will be safe. It is the same with the whole course. No degrees are given to students whose general average for the whole course is less than 50 per cent; but marks in various courses - so long as they are above 40 per cent - are not taken into separate consideration.
