

THE examination for anticipation of the Constitution of the United States will take place to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock.

THE Freshmen have not yet subscribed the full amount assessed upon them for the University crew, the Advocate to the contrary notwithstanding.

SCENE, Glee Club Concert. - Snodkins, '79, after listening to an unfinished solo: "It must be very hard for him to sing with all the young ladies looking at him so."

MR. PRICE, '79, who had his neck turned in a recent wrestling-match, is progressing favorably at his home at St. Clair, Penn., and his neck gives every indication of resuming its normal condition.

A SOPHOMORE who takes Italian I found cetera desunt written at the end of his examination-book, and replied to a friend's inquiry, that the first part of his book was a good deal marked up, but the instructor had written that the rest was decent.


THE meetings of the Athletic Association which have taken place for the last three weeks in the Gymnasium will probably be discontinued for the rest of this year. It is to be hoped that their success will lead to their being established again next winter.

THE first of Professor Paine's Recitals from the works of the great composers took place last Wednesday evening, and was much enjoyed. Professor Paine will continue the Recitals every Wednesday evening until further notice, at half past seven, in U. B.

MR. A. McPHAIL, of Boston, very kindly provided the piano used at the Concert of the Glee Club and Pierian Sodality, free of charge, and the members have requested us to thank him for a courtesy and generosity not often shown to us by Boston firms.

A NEW bulletin-board of commanding appearance has been placed in University Hall. A Freshman succeeded in embodying a hidden compliment to the Secretary, in the quotation which his ever-ready pencil inscribed near by: "Read not lightly what's writ with care."

A REPORT of the recent Athletic meeting was published in the Boston Herald last Sunday, containing such abusive and improper language that it is to be hoped that Herald reporters will in future be excluded from any proceedings of the kind which may occur in college.

THE Sophomore Class Supper will take place at the St. James Hotel, Friday evening, March 31. The price of tickets, exclusive of wine, will be four dollars, and may be obtained at the University Bookstore until Friday noon. Gentlemen wishing to be seated together may send their names to 32 Holyoke or 10 Weld.

SCENE, Recitation-Room of Philosophy Electives.

Instructor. In my lecture on Positivism what philosophical doctrine was ascribed to Hume?

Senior (long since abandoned to brilliant queues). Humanitarianism, sir.

Immense sensation in class.
