AMONG the most vehement, if not the most just, complaints constantly occurring, and the subject of nine tenths of the communications sent to the College papers, is the practical grievance suffered by all undergraduates in College buildings arising from the shabby treatment their rooms receive at the hands of the so-called "Goodies." A few years ago the rooms were far more simply furnished; but now a man's room is not a bad exponent of his character and circumstances, and with better accommodations college rooms have grown to be more inhabitable and more home-like. It seems a shame, when students put valuable engravings, books, or what not in their rooms, that these should suffer, from carelessness or absolute ignorance, almost certain injury if not ruin. The service is no better than that in a second-class hotel, and traditional negligence is exemplified in the daily maltreatment our rooms receive, The pay given these women is small, being about six cents per room a day; and almost every one would gladly pay more to have decent service. Some entries are fortunate, as Weld North, and others unfortunate, and given over to daily futile attempts at cleaning, which result, on the occupants' part, in open windows for several hours. We would not bring this subject up, for it is trite and an institution of long standing, but several complaints have so bitterly inveighed against recent carelessness that it seemed to merit mention. Under the present administration, if any, a change could be undertaken; and any change would be for the better.
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