

No Headline

WITH this last number of Vol. VI. we present our subscribers with Indexes to the Crimson for Volumes V. and VI. Old subscribers to Vol. V. can obtain the Index to that volume on application to the University Bookstore. In arranging these Indexes, it will be observed that, for the first time, the editorials have been indexed by subjects, a convenience which will be appreciated by all who have occasion to refer to them. We have also taken the liberty of slightly changing for the Index the title of contributions, where such titles failed to indicate the real subjects discussed, or where one subject was discussed under too great a variety of captions. In a few instances the author's name has been lost; and as in most such this is due to the negligence of the authors themselves, we would impress on all our contributors who desire to receive credit in the Index for their articles, the need of more care in signatures. The inconvenience hitherto arising from issuing two indexes in the middle of the year will probably be avoided in future by issuing an Index with the last number of each volume.
