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MEMBERS of the Senior Class who are so fortunate as to be catalogued in the last alphabetical half are to be congratulated on the possession of so obliging a monitor for morning chapel. A bulletin from him appeared this week on the South Entry door of Stoughton, announcing the total number of prayer cuts recorded against each man in his half of the class. Although this idea is novel and entirely original with Mr. Peckham, we see no reason why his method of posting the number of cuts should not be adopted throughout the College. It is certainly a very great convenience for students in general, and would relieve the monitors of many troublesome queries as to the record of individuals, not to mention the influence it would probably have in lessening the number of private admonitions now sprung on those who unwittingly dare to be tired or sleepy at chapel hour.

Such announcement of cuts seems to us an unmixed good, and it is only with unpleasant surprise that we learn of the Registrar's interference with its continuance. This is not the first occasion on which the present Registrar has interfered officiously, when not officially, with matters that seem without the sphere of his action, and has manifested a spirit towards students that may in future render the legitimate exercise of his functions less agreeable than would be desirable. We certainly admire the subordinate's strict execution of a superior officer's orders, but when an inferior becomes more rigorous and extreme in his opinions and acts regarding undergraduates than any one of his superiors, we humbly but most vigorously protest. In the present instance the Registrar's dictum presumptuously vetoed the Secretary's approval; and in another instance, yet fresh in the minds of one Senior society at least, Sir Registrar coolly denied a request that the Dean granted. We trust that the Faculty will take action on this question, and not add to the long list of Harvard matters, "what nobody can find out," another one in the shape of Chapel cuts. And if we are granted the permission of knowing just where we stand in this required exercise, we trust that the Registrar will deign to allow the Faculty's vote to be carried out, and save us the trouble of recommending his case to the tender mercies of the Lampoon.


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