

THE Senior class has taken no further action as yet in regard to Class Day.

IT is reported that the Law School will be moved to a spot near Lawrence Scientific School.

OUT of one hundred and fifty-four applicants for admission to the Johns Hopkins University, ninety-five were rejected. The whole membership, including Fellows and excluding the Faculty, is seventy-nine.

YALE has refused the challenge of our Foot-Ball team, as was expected by every one who has had the least knowledge of that college.

THE Assemblies this season will be held in Union Hall, Cambridgeport, on the evenings of December 11, January 17, February 13, and April 4.


THE first eight of the Pi Eta from '78 are: C. I. Adams, G. K. Boutelle, C. E. Gowen, C. Harrington, M. Hasbrouck, W. Kessler, H. W. Mason, J. M. Miles.

ARRANGEMENTS are being made by graduates to give, in January, several theatrical performances in town. The money received will be used in paying off the debt incurred by the crews of last summer.

THE North American Review will hereafter be published as a bi-monthly. The Review was started by Cambridge Professors, and now for the first time will be under the management of editors not connected with the University.

A FOOT-BALL Association was formed, on November 23, by delegates from Harvard, Yale, Columbia, and Princeton. The Rugby Union rules were adopted with the exception of rule seven, which was modified so that four touchdowns count a goal. Baker, of Yale, was elected president.

IT is not perhaps generally understood that by the new rule, which allows men in one department of the University to share in the advantages of any other department, students of the Law School, Medical School, Bussey Institution, and the other professional schools are allowed to attend morning prayers.

THE University crew took its last row for the season on Monday, having had more than eight weeks of practice on the river. Never before, we believe, has nearly so much work been accomplished in the fall term by a Harvard crew; and never before has a Harvard crew been, at this time, so far advanced. Fourteen men will now leave the boat and commence work on the machines.

THE President and Fellows of Harvard College, at their meeting on Monday, voted to guarantee that the price of board at Memorial Hall from September 28 to December 23, 1876, inclusive, shall not exceed five dollars a week. It was also voted that Professor Cooke, Mr. Allen Danforth, and Mr. A. S. Thayer be requested to act as a committee to control the expenditures of the Dining Association on behalf of the Corporation during the period covered by the guaranty.

THERE will be published during the coming week "A Manual of the Harvard Law School." It is intended to embody in this all the necessary information in regard to the Law School, the names of the students, the clubs and their members, some of the more important examination papers, and a statement of a number of such cases as are argued before the clubs. The club system, with which few undergraduates are acquainted, will be explained, and the cases are stated, both to render the manner of work clearer and in order that any club may readily secure a case for argument by reference to it.

THE Committee to visit the various departments of the College met November 9 and formed themselves into the following sub-committees:-

I. Moral and Intellectual Philosophy. - The Rev. John O. Means, D. D., R. W. Emerson, the Rev. Edwards A. Park, D. D., the Rev. Alexander McKenzie, Henry James, Professor George II. Howison, J. E. Cabot.
