A RUMOR is abroad that a second meeting of the Senior class may be called some time in the coming week. If such a meeting is held, it is commonly supposed that the class will have to adopt one of the alternatives, - either to merely fill the vacancies which have been made by resignations, or to annul the action of the last meeting in toto, and proceed to a new election.
Should either of these alternatives be chosen, it would do but little to allay the existing ill-feeling. Those who look upon the last election as the result of a coalition will hardly feel satisfied while the present officers retain their positions; and those who pretend to regard the late fiasco as a fair election will not probably be appeased by the removal of their favorites. Harmony cannot be obtained in either case. There is, however, another course which in the present state of affairs forces itself upon the attention of the class. This course is to abolish Class Day altogether for this year. During the period of uncertainty which the class has experienced many have become reconciled to the idea of doing without a Class Day, and, unpleasant as such a course would be, it is certainly better than some things which may happen. Let us hope that we may yet succeed in having a respectable Class Day: but if this cannot be, let us choose the lesser evil.
B.TO THE EDITOR OF THE CRIMSON:-WE have the right given us, as you know, to have our rooms cleaned under our own personal inspection, on condition that we comply with certain requirements, such as giving notice of our intention at the Bursar's office, and posting a notice on the door that the room has been cleaned. Now I would like to know why, after this has been done, the rooms are still entered, through the transom, if there is a Yale lock on the door, and generally small movables are stolen. In one case which came to my knowledge last year the furniture was piled up under one of the windows, and the blinds carefully pulled up so that the sun and dust entirely ruined it.
The College, it seems to me, should either take the cleaning of the rooms entirely in their own hands and send responsible persons to do it; or at least, when we have had it done at our own expense, should not send people there merely to steal things and ruin furniture.
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