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THE price of board at Memorial Hall for November was $4.67, which is less than was anticipated. The affairs of the Association, however, have reached a crisis. Men still continue to leave; and if the number is further diminished the Association will be unable to go on after the holidays. To ascertain what is the feeling among the students on this question, a book will this week be placed at the Bursar's office, which men who are in the Association and who intend to stay in it are requested to sign; men who now board outside willing to come into the Hall under a new management are requested to sign this book. If the number of signatures amounts to three hundred and fifty, - about the number now at the Hall, - the Association will go on, otherwise it will be broken up. A dissolution of the Association would without doubt be a great calamity; the price of board would immediately rise in all the boarding-houses in Cambridge, and many men would be forced to pay a price which they could but ill afford. To avert such a disaster is for the interest of a very large number of students, and if they desire to protect themselves, their proper course is to join the Association at once. Investigations which are being made seem to show that the affairs of the Association have been very poorly managed, and it is certain that a new steward will be selected who will avoid the blunders of his predecessor. If a sufficient number of those who have been driven from the Hall by the mistakes of the past will give the Association one more trial, the price of board will undoubtedly be kept at a reasonable figure, the fare will be improved, and the commons will regain many of its pristine glories. It rests, however, entirely with the students to restore it.
