ANOTHER game of hare and hounds took place last Friday.
CANNOT the paths in the Yard be more effectually cleared of snow?
A THIRD edition of B. R. Curtis's " Dottings round the Circle" is in press.
MEMORIAL HALL will not be open for boarders during the Christmas recess.
CHRISTMAS recess from December 24, 1876, to January 6, 1877, both days included.
THE Pi Eta graduates gave a theatrical entertainment at Union Hall, Boston, last night.
MR. SEVER has published in a pamphlet the examination papers for women, for 1874, 1875, and 1876.
THE tickets for the second concert at Sanders Theatre, next Thursday, are now ready at Sever's.
SOPHOMORE REQUIRED HISTORY. - The anticipatory examination will be held on the 20th of January.
THERE is at present on exhibition at the Old South-Church an engraving, by Paul Revere, of Holden Chapel.
ON account of the concert on Thursday evening, Professor Norton will give his reading in Dante next week on Tuesday evening, 19th inst.
DURING the last few days many Freshmen have been seen wending their way in the direction of Fresh Pond, with skates in their hands.
PROFESSOR HILL will meet the Seniors who have Commencement Parts on Monday, December 18, at 4.30 P. M. All who have not handed in their subjects will do so at that time.
JUNIOR AND SOPHOMORE RHETORIC (second half-year). The examination for those who wish to anticipate this study is fixed for Saturday, January 13, at 11 A.M. Text-books: Whately's Rhetoric (Parts I. and II.); Lessing's Laocoon.
NOTICE TO SENIORS WHO ARE MAKING UP CONDITIONS. - No Senior shall be considered to have attended exercises regularly in a study which he takes to remove a condition. if he has during the year more than fifteen unexcused absences in a three-hour study, ten in a two-hour study, or five in a one-hour study. - Bulletin Board.
THE subject for the next Senior forensic is apparently designed to embody, in a more or less permanent form, the results of certain thorough investigations recently made by some members of the class. The subject is as follows: "Is trial by jury the mode of trial best fitted to determine the truth and establish the right?"
IT is proposed to give a series of twelve lectures or readings at Sanders Theatre, Memorial Hall, by Professor Norton, Professor J. R. Lowell, Professor Child, and Professor Bocher, for the benefit of the Fine Art Department of Harvard College. These will be given on successive Wednesday evenings, at 7.30, beginning January 3. The price of tickets will be five dollars for the course. Subscriptions received at the University Bookstore.
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