

THE Acta Columbiana comes to the rescue of the Freshmen who are unable to relieve their overcharged spirits by singing the old stand-by "Bingo," because no rhyme for eighty can be found. It proposes the following classical substitute:-


Nostram classem,

Canamus clare!

Atque sumus


Si virentes,

Viri solidi."

THE Williams Athenaeum has come to the conclusion that "Intercollegiate rowing does not yield a return in proportion to the outlay. This is true even when a college is victorious, and peculiarly so in our College; for regattas, while they have never been a source of glory to us, have never failed to leave behind them a powerful reminder in the shape of a good-sized debt on our rowing association."

THE following stirring accounts of warlike deeds is taken from the Trinity Tablet: "The word was given, and '79 and '80 met with terrible force. For a moment the well-known pluck of '79 withstood the shock, but in a second the overwhelming numbers of '80 [35 in the class] overcame the resistance, and decided the fate of the contest. '79 was pushed, but it was not to their shame. For hey showed great pluck in attempting to 'rush' a class just twice their own in size."

THE McGill Gazette has passed through a checkered existence, and completed a part of two volumes. It now starts out upon a third volume, and makes quite a creditable appearance. Our foot-ball team will be interested in the statement that McGill "now possesses a team strong enough to face any Fifteen in Canada, without fear of being too easily defeated." Experience has taught us, since this was written, that they are no mean antagonists for teams outside of Canada.

THE Cambridge and Oxford Undergraduates' Journal says: "With regard to the American International Regatta, the less said the better. A more disgraceful exhibition in amateur aquatic sports was never known. The first Trinity crew that went out so pluckily deserved better luck, but under all circumstances, they acquitted themselves most satisfactorily, and by no means reflected any disgrace, either on their college or the University.

OXFORD has 217 Freshmen this year, and Cambridge 238. Jesus, at Cambridge, has more Freshmen than any college of either University.
