

A CASE of scarlet fever is reported in the Yard.

A COPY of the Class Album of '76 has been placed in the Library.

THE attempt to establish a Lacrosse Club has proved a failure.

SENIORS can obtain their Junior Themes at Professor Child's recitation-room, University 9.

THE skeleton stolen by certain students from the Natural History Room has not been returned.


NOTMAN is already presenting his claim to the appointment of photographer to the Senior class.

ANY person wishing to dispose of a rowing-weight can do so by sending address to A. Z, care of the Crimson.

WE have received a copy of Mr. Curtis's journal, "Dottings Round the Circle." In our next we hope to notice it at length.

THE Freshman class held a meeting yesterday afternoon, at which Mr. Hooper presented his resignation as Captain of the crew. Mr. C. Ware was elected to the vacancy.

THE question of the percentage to be required this year from Seniors has finally been decided. The old rule, requiring simply an average of 50 per cent for the year, has been suffered to stand.

OFFICERS of the S. Paul's Society for the present term are: President, A. H. Amory, '77; Vice-President, W. T. Cox, '79; Secretary, Lawrence Jacob, '78; Treasurer, E. L. Baylies, '79; Librarian, W. G. Pellew, '80.

EVERY one who takes any interest in rifle shooting is earnestly requested to join the Rifle Club and to send his name at once to Mr. Bull, H'y 19. The new target of the club will be placed in position to-morrow.

THE K. N. Freshman Debating Society chose its first ten on November 2, as follows: H. L. Bond, W. F. Gillett, A. L. Hall, H. B. Hart, C. A. Hobbs, D. W. Lord, D. Mould, Jr., H. M. Perry, J. Quincy, Jr., F. J. Ranlett.

LUIGI MONTI, ESQ., formerly Professor of Italian in Cambridge, is at present delivering lectures on Modern Italian Literature at the Lowell Institute. The lectures take place every Wednesday and Saturday evenings, and are of great merit.

A MEETING of the Chess Club will be held at 42 Holyoke House, next Monday evening at half past seven. It is hoped that all members of the University who take any interest in chess, as well as the regular members of the club, will be present.
